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Registration Opens Soon!
All IRSA events are in Motorsport.reg. The following is the schedule for when you can register for the events: Season pre-registration -...

IRSA 2024 at a glance
New year means new season. Here is what is in the works for 2024. The season will kick off with a work party in late spring / early...

Introducing Arrive & Drive
Do you have friends who want to try Rally X, but don't want to invest too much money into buying a car? We now have a way for you to get...

IRSA Event Registration Schedule
So you want to run in part 3 of BCRXC hosted by IRSA? Or are you looking for a fun day with no points and no pressure? You can't wait to...

West Coast Rally this Summer
Lots of fun things are going on in Rally World this Summer! Here is a list of the events you can participate, volunteer, or spectate in...

TSD School April 29th is canceled
Unfortunately we had to cancel TDS school this time around due to lack of registrations. We are working out the details of our next...

Welcome Back to TSD
It have been a while since IRSA have run a TSD. But we are back! What is TSD you ask? In essence, you are trying to get form point A to...

BCRXC 2023 edition
Last year, in 2022, Interior Rally Sport Association in partnership with The Squamish Brackendale Rally Cross Club ran the longest and...

IRSA 2023 at a glance
You might be wondering what’s in store for the upcoming season… No worries, we’ve got you. Here is what is in the works for 2023. The...
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