TSD (Time/Speed/Distance)
Also known as Regularity Rally or Navigational Rally, TSD is the simplest and most accessible form of rally. It takes place on public roads, and speed limit it set to not break any rules. Competitors are given a set of instructions describing the route, including the expected speed. The goal is to follow the instructions as closely as possible. Set of checkpoints along the way will ensure that you're on track.
There are different classes in TSDs, tailored to one's love of technology and skill level. Depending on the event, they might differ, so check event page for details.
And don't worry if you've never done this or need a refresher. IRSA runs events on all levels, helping you build up skills for the provincial competitions.
How to participate
Check out our Events Page for any upcoming TSD events. IRSA hosts multiple events every season, starting in mid Spring and going into the Fall. You can find out more about other TSD events on the West Coast Rally Association Facebook page.
Registration link will be provided on event page after event registration is open, typically about a month or so in advance.
The cost can vary from $40 for smaller events and beginner schools to $100 for full day events. The price is per team. IRSA members get discount on all club run events through the year. Membership costs $40 (Sign up here).
Things you'll need
A partner in crime. I mean navigator... Someone to read you the instructions as you follow the route and feed you snacks.
A valid drivers license. You are on public roads after all... Make sure you have it with you the day of the event.
A vehicle in good working order. Any road legal vehicle will work.
A modern cellphone with GPS navigation. We are using automated checkpoint app for scoring.
Safety gear. Depending on the event location, you might need a first aid kit, a triangle, and a fire extinguisher. If you don't have one, let us know. We will be providing rentals on the day of the event.
Detailed Information can be found on the event page.
Finally, Race Day!
Show up at the appointed time at the appointed place! Make sure you have what you need and dress for the weather.
Get the instructions. For some larger events you might receive the instructions ahead of time, for other ones, like schools, you will get them on the day of the event.
Do your math. You will have some time before you have to get on the road to read through instructions and to do the calculations you need. Don't worry, its a pretty basic time*speed=distance formula.
Drive! This one is pretty self explanatory. The biggest things to keep in mind is to be safe, have fun and follow the instructions! We try to select fun, low traveled routes, where you can enjoy the beauty of British Columbia at its best.
Enjoy the company. After the event there is usually a social part, where you can discuss the event with other competitors, enjoy a drink (responsibly) and wait for the event results.
Still Have Questions? Contact IRSA team here or at info@rallyinterior.ca or join our Facebook Group.